WP3 Free-write Reflection

Riley Way
1 min readApr 17, 2021

WP3 was a really rough process for me. This was the first time my recovery has actually interfered with my studies. I did not realize post-surgery would be equally a physical and mental recovery. I definitely how a newfound deeper respect for people who have surgery and people just going through any recovery in general. I have learned a lot about myself and honestly a tremendous amount about dance. Who knew I would actually learn more about dance while looking at it from an outside point of view? One would assume dancing would be the only way for a person to learn about dance, but I now know so much more about my health and how to maintain and healthy dancing career. I still have a lot to learn, but I now at least understand which areas I need to educate myself more in and how to help others going through a similar situation. I feel like I am able to make a greater impact after having gone through this experience. I am still going through recovery and have a long way to go, but I now know how strong of a person I really am and that I can honestly get through anything. Consistency is key.

